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Image 1: HRV Infographic (CEP, 2021)


Heart Rate Variability

Biofeedback Training
K. Hogan Pesaniello, MD



What is Heart Rate Variability?


     Heart rate variability (or HRV) is a special measure of your heart rhythm.  It is measured with a finger pulse monitor.  Your HRV reflects the balance in the parts of your body that regulate stress. (The autonomic nervous system)



Why improve my HRV?


    The premise of HRV training is that when an individual increasingly achieves coherence (or better rhythm) between the breath and heart rhythm, it leads to “optimal autonomic nervous system balance…. which yields mental and physical comfort, a positive emotional outlook, enhanced health and well-being, and improved biometrics.” (Heart Math, LLC:  the Coherent Heart, and Steve Elliott:  the Coherent Breath)


    Achieving more balance in the fight-or-flight part of our nervous system is important because many medical and psychiatric / psychological problems are related to an overcharged autonomic state.   Improved balance leads to improved stress management and emotional regulation.



What issues can HRV training help with?


When part of a comprehensive wellness program, it is appropriate to use HRV for relaxation and in addressing stress-related conditions such as these:



  • Irritable bowel, asthma, diabetes


  • Mood problems, like anxiety and irritability


  • Anxiety problems leading to aches and pains.


  • Problems with concentration and focus


  • Pain problems, including headaches and migraine pain.


  • Sleep problems


  • Habit disorders, impulse control


  • Anger Management


  • Hypertension


  • Performance Anxiety


  • Optimizing Performance


  • Improving Test Performance


  • Optimizing Yoga and Meditation Practice



Why is HRV so important to overall mental health and performance?


    Based on the “Power of Breath,” HRV Training is an efficient modality for improving mental, spiritual, and physical well-being. We are all familiar with the directive “Take a deep breath.” for those who are about to lose control of their behavior when stressed beyond their limit. HRV training teaches individuals how to take a deep breath… and another….and another… so that they begin to breathe more slowly, deeply, and regularly all the time. Once mastered, the skills learned can lead to an individual who not only deals more effectively with acute stressors but is also more adaptable and less stressed by daily life.



How is this training accomplished?


  HRV and emotional regulation can be improved through biofeedback training using a pulse monitor, computer screen, psychoeducation and coaching.


      Dr. Pesaniello uses the Heart Math / EmWave Program for HRV biofeedback.  This is a wellness device that can also be purchased online for home use.  HRV can also be provided utilizing a medical device.  This program utilizes a ear-lobe or finger pulse monitor and a computer screen to give patients feedback about their heart rate variability.  The program has options including a “coach”, and several graphic displays and / or games that progress better as improved HRV is achieved.  Patients can monitor their progress over time, as the computer saves the record of low / medium / high coherence for each training session.



How intensely would I need to train to have benefit?


     Patients can use more frequent or less frequent sessions in combination with home practice and coaching assistance from both the computer and staff at Dr. Pesaniello’s Office.  One or two sessions or 20 or more may be used depending on patient need.


    Dr. Pesaniello also offers a hand-held device, which can be used for practice in her resource / waiting room, after intake and teaching the breath and mindfulness techniques, and orientation to the controls of the hand-held device.



Can’t I learn this with Yoga or Relaxation Training?


    Yes, you can improve your mental state, and achieve other health benefits by conscious regular attention to breath. This has been clear to practitioners of yoga, martial arts, and meditation for thousands of years. The problem ? Most people will not do this,  because of a combination of stress, business, lack of inspiration, and mental symptoms. It is the rare individual who will.  A simple computer program and support helps.


Even yoga experts benefit from HRV training!  It makes their practice better!


Click below for tips from HeartMath for optimizing HRV and relaxation




Here is a link that explains the value of improving your HRV for wellness and performance








CEP. (2021, February 11). Heart rate variability (HRV) and Optimal Health. CEP. Retrieved from



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